keskiviikko 23. maaliskuuta 2016


Acta non verba
(Deeds – not Words)

This year has been, above all, relaxation, tranquility but also, surprisingly, future planning to a large extent. Last July, prior to departure, I terminated not to inscribe this entire year for effusive studying in order to not to traverse all of the premeditated plans everyone else had already made – including myself. This year was literally meant to be sanctified for new relationships, new understanding of the world, and growth in faith. This was the layout to be implemented – and it has borne fruit.

Honorable Elizabeth J. Starr, County Court Criminal Judge, J.D. 

These 30 weeks in The Land of the Free and Home of the Brave have enabled me to encounter people from all walks of life. There have been wayfarers from all continents. All classes. Proletariats, bourgeoisie and the quality. But when all is said and done, we're all the same. All in the same boat. All mortals. No exceptions.

Taking off and heading to study in the United States has changed me in a marvelous way and evolved me in all areas of life. If I hadn't gone on an exchange across the pond, I wouldn't be the person I am today. More self-confident, intent, and ambitious. Not to forget humbler, more extroverted, and more identifying personality traits. In a nutshell and for mom's information only: there won't be a same kind of a man coming back home ;)

Dear Haters,

 I have so much more for you to be mad at. 

Just be patient.

In the United States, it has been intriguing and sophisticating to see different forms of education, living, food and interaction on the whole. As former exchange students and Rotary members have stated, and what I also acknowledge in this day and age, things have neither been better nor worse. It has just all been different. Up to now, nothing in my life has been more dashing than experiencing and living the American culture. This year has not been ponderable only in terms of language skills but chiefly with respect to change in personality; severities and rainy days have traced back to a reformation.

The 'status' of an exchange student has entailed many extraordinary privileges. I have never felt as popular in my life as I do now. It is actually going to be pretty boring to go back to Finland and not to have this special status anymore. People are no more going to call me Youhoe, Jahuu, or Juhuu – nor will anyone go crazy about having a Finnish friend anymore. Coming back is going to be at least as challenging as leaving – if not even more challenging. Exactly 8 months ago, I left my home, family, and friends back in Finland. And in 3 months I am going to do it again.

Lake Mary High School Principal Michael C. Kotkin – what a great role model.

"Finnish Rotary jacket and Stars & Stripes t-shirt – outstanding!" was Principal Michael C. Kotkin's first comment about my outfit as I stepped into his office. Prompted by a gentle handshake, Mr. Kotkin asked me to sit down and chat with him while exhorting me to roll over a handful of iridescent M&M's from this spiffy, spherical dispenser.

Do not be afraid to fail

Be afraid not to try

From wall to wall progressed conversation with Ramnation's Chief Executive went through education, politics, family, and faith – developing an in-depth discussion between a Principal and Hämeenkyrö's own son.

To this day, the people that used to bully me at school still take my lunch money. 

On the plus side, they make great subway sandwiches.

This 15-minute-long conversation made a deep impact on me. It got me contemplating. It made me more curious. It made me hunger. But, in the first instance, it made me realize that once again, Great Leaders Must First Become Good Servants. 

sunnuntai 6. maaliskuuta 2016

It's been a long year without you my friend, and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

Half-time announcement

Helmikuussa helpottaa. Se on ollut sadepäivieni motto jo elokuusta lähtien. Kiintoisa, mutta samaan aikaan raskassoutuinen ja selän seinää vasten pakottanut, jo tähän mennessä 209 päivää kestänyt vaellukseni vuoren huipulle, on ollut kertakaikkiaan mielenkiintoinen matka ihmisenä. Paineensietokykyä ja lannistumattomuutta peräänkuuluttaneet viikot Setä Samulin luvatussa maassa ovat hioneet Hämeenkyrön omasta pojasta maltillisemman ja maailmaa väljemmästä perspektiivistä silmäilevän, amerikkalaisella aksentilla turisevan Suomen kansalaisen.

Key West, Florida. Paradise on Earth. 

Englanniksi tapahtuva päivittäinen kommunikointi, unien näkeminen ja aikakauslehtien lueskelu ovat nostaneet ensimmäisen vieraan kieleni kompetenssin potenssiin kymmenen. Isän, äidin ja Katrin suojaisan läsnäolon puuttuminen on yhtäältä velvoittanut mutta toisaalta mahdollistanut perinpohjaisen, omaehtoisen elämän aloittamisen. Kanaemon sulavien siipien suojassa on ollut vaaratonta ja vakaata varttua. Mutta poikastenkin on kokeiltava siipiään ja uhmattava rajojaan.

Oman pelkokertoimen kohentaminen ei ole aina ollut ruusuilla tanssimista. Mutta 8000 kilometrin päähän kotoaan muuttaneen allekirjoittaneen mukaan senkin arvoista.

Oman mukavuusalueen rajojen uhmaamisen aikaansaama kuriositeetti ympäröivää maailmaa kohtaan on toiminut rakennusmestarina lukuisten uusien siltojen alulle panemisessa. Vasta jäljestäpäin olen kokonaan tajunnut, miten merkityksellistä alkuvuoden haastavien ja toisinaan lohduttomiltakin tuntuneiden päivien läpikäyminen on ollut. Parempien päivien saavuttaminen on vaatinut aikaa ja kivun kestämistä. Uskallus lähestyä uusia, vieraita ihmisiä on johtanut elinikäisten ystävyyssuhteiden syntymiseen. You had me at hello.

Alkuvuoden haaveet ajan juoksemisesta nopeammin ja Helsinki-Vantaan saapuvien lentojen terminaalissa poikaansa odottavan perheen näkemisestä ovat vaihtuneet pelkoon koto-Suomeen paluusta ja takaisin suomalaiseen elämäntapaan sopeutumisesta.

Lukuisat entiset vaihto-oppilaat ovat kertoneet ajatelleensa ennen koneeseen astumistaan juuri lähdön olevan elämänsä tapahtumarikkaimman vuoden kovin pähkinä purtavaksi. Niin ajattelin minäkin. Ja ajattelen edelleen, sillä paluusta minulla ei vielä ole kokemusta. Kesäkuun 30. päivä se nähdään.

The Family. 

Sea Camp

Southernmost City in the Continental United States. Tammikuun lopussa, 28.-31.1., lähdimme neljän päivän leirille Florida Keys -saarille muiden vaihto-oppilaiden kanssa. Leirin tarkoituksena oli perehdyttää vaihtareita paikalliseen historiaan, maantieteeseen ja ilmastoon. Menestyksellä pääsimmekin tutkimaan Meksikonlahden merimaailmaa muun muassa snorklauksen merkeissä.

Upon arrival, all exchange students were divided into eight groups. Each group got an exclusive instructor by whose lead we went on boat trips and learned about the biology and ecology of local systems, including mangrove, sea grass and coral reef habitats. 

This camp was a hand-on experience, which turned out to be both fun and educational. During these field trips, each group got to discuss the biological as well as social background of their topics, first from a regional perspective and then from a global perspective, talking about their own countries.

sunnuntai 3. tammikuuta 2016

2016 is going to be awesome

Ett gott nytt år 2016

Hur står det till? Det har, återigen, varit en stund sedan jag senaste krev här. Det är skönt att vara tillbaka till grind. Under ditt utbytesår, är det också viktigt att ta hand om det andra inhemska språket. Följaktligen, ville jag skriva en del av mitt nästa inlägg på svenska. 

Mitt skolfoto :)

Det händer igen. Jag bara undrar var i hela fridens dar tiden har gått här. Jag har nästan varit här i fem månader och det känns som om jag kom just hit. Tiden verkligen flyger. 

Under min tid här, har jag ännu mer insåg hur viktigt det är att studera olika språk. Svenska, som mitt andra inhemska språk, har varit en enorm hjälp i att lära sig engelska, till exempel. Det har varit jättekul att kommunicera på svenska när mötet svenska språkiga människor i USA. Definitivt är det upskattat att kunna säga ännu ett par ord i andra personens modersmål. Gladde andra personen på ett sådant sätt ska, absolut, föra er närmare varandra. Beroende på den ovan nämnde, vill jag starkt rekommendera dig att använda dina kunskaper om andra språk och modigt prata med annat folk. 

Till alla avseenden, går det bra för mig. Under de senaste dagarna har jag vaknat och känt kaffedoften enligt det faktumet att jag inte ska vara här för alltid. Det har också skrämt mig på ett sätt. I stället för att bara vänta på nästa sommar vill jag också njuta av föreliggande. Familjen i Finland kommer alltid att finnas där för mig. Nu är den min tid. Mina erfarenheter. Mina drömmar. Gör saker som gör dig glad. Och viktigast av allt – börja inte vad du inte kan avsluta.

Emellenåt, har jag öppnat mina finska skolböcker för att ta ett försprång till det kommande andra året av akademiska prestationer. Om jag ska vara helt ärlig – som jag alltid är – jag har saknat det utmanande och ibland krävande finländska utbildningssystemet. Men på det hela taget, jag ville komma till Förenta Staterna för att förbättra mig själv och utveckla mina språkkunskaper. I höst, studerade jag tyska som min tredje främmande språk, och nästa vår kommer jag att ta spanska utöver det. Jag rekommenderar alla att studera så mycket olika språk som möjligt.

Jag har redan börjat tänka på min framtida studentskrivningar. För tillfället, är det min plan att ta examina på finska som modersmål, lång lärokurs i engelska som främmande språk, medellång lärokurs i svenska som det andra inhemska språket, fysik, kemi, biologi och hälsokunskap. Jag är inte säker på lång lärokurs i matematik ännu. Jag måste fortfarande tänka på det. Jag ser verkligen fram emot att ta dessa prov! Efter studentskrivningarna, är den min dröm att ansöka om medicinska fakulteten vid Tammefors universitet.

Exchange students' 4-day Disney Trip

I wish I didn't drive all my dear readers away with the Swedish section. There's no worries anymore! We will continue writing in lingua franca from now onward. 

On the 10th to 13th this month, we had our long-awaited trip to all 4 Disney Parks with the other Rotary exchange students from Florida, South and North Carolina. It was a real nice reunion with people who got to know one another in the very beginning of this year in the orientation at Lake Yale. 

May the trip begin! Denmark and Finland are represented :)

On Thursday morning we began our trip to Disney with Hämeenkyrö's own son Juho, Danish Marianne, Brazilian Henrique, and Bosnian Nikola. We were all full of enthusiasm and really looking forward to experiencing the Disney World. Our first park on Thursday was Disney's Hollywood Studios which I personally hadn't yet been to.

Disney's Hollywood Studios is the third of four theme parks built at the Walt Disney World Resort in Bay Lake, Florida. Spanning 55 ha, it is dedicated to show business, drawing inspiration from the heyday of Hollywood in the 1930s and 1940s. In 2014, the park hosted approximately 10.31 million guests. On account of that, it is the fifth-most visited amusement park in the entire world. 

The Hollywood Boulevard

Shortly after the entrance we arrived at the Hollywood Boulevard, which led us deeper into the depths of the park. Guests enter the turnstiles onto the main street, where reality blends into fantasy.
31°C heat and swaying palm trees made the day.

Denmark, Finland and Italy represented :)

"All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me... 
You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you."
- Walt Disney

Magic Kingdom

This is where it all began. Magic Kingdom was our second destination on Friday. I had visited this park once before in October with my host family. Once you enter the gates of this magical wonderland you feel like a little child. You see everyone smiling and having a good time. I love it.

I always have to rub my eyes when I see the monumental Cinderella Castle. This 58-meter-high castle is just gorgeous. Initially, the suite was planned for Walt Disney's family and other Disney executives, but since Walt Disney died nearly five years prior to the park opened, it was turned into a lavish Dream Suite hotel room for specially selected guests. Nowadays, the suite is used as a prize for the Disney Dreams Giveaway at the Walt Disney World Resort during the Year of a Million Dreams celebration. Whereupon, you cannot book that suite with money. It must be given to you as a gift. I think that increases its value and makes it more unic.

A panorama picture of the entire spectacle.

There is Starbucks Coffee in every single Disney Park which enables me and other coffee lovers to enjoy a cup of black coffee and doughnuts between all the fun.


Epcot, which stands for Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow, is the third park we visited on Saturday. This park is personally my favorite one on the grounds of the unimaginable World Showcase. Let's take a closer look at it.

The Mexico pavilion

The World Showcase is a large area reminiscent of a permanent world's fair containing 11 pavilions, each themed and dedicated to represent a specific country. The pavilions surround the World Showcase Lagoon, a large manmade lake located in the center of World Showcase with a perimeter of 1.9 km. 

In clockwise order, the 11 pavilions are Mexico, Norway, China, Germany, Italy, United States, Japan, Morocco, France, United Kingdom, and Canada. 

The outer facade of the American Adventure show building

Each pavilion contains themed architecture, landscapes, streetscapes, attractions, shops and restaurants representing the respective country's culture and cuisine. In an effort to maintain the authenticity of the represented countries, the pavilions are primarily staffed by citizens of the respective countries. 

The Norway pavilion is designed to look like a Norwegian village. The village includes a detailed Stave Church which is in the picture, and the exterior of its main table-service restaurant, Restaurant Akershus, resembles its namesake in Oslo. 

The pavilion's collection also features a southern Sami man's outfit, which appears in the film Frozen. The character of Kristoff represents a blend of both Northern and Southern indigenous Sami culture. Some artifacts on display date back as early as the 1200s.

I visited Kringla Bakeri og Kafé and met the shop assistants Hakon and Sara – from Norway! They are working here as part of the Cultural Representative Program through J-1 visa agreements. It was real fun to get to speak some Swedish with these guys. And meanwhile in Finland people are talking about obligatory Swedish language taught in Finnish schools. Wake up and smell the coffee! Vakna och känn kaffedoften!

Some Scandinavian specialties. Yummy!

I was happily surprised to see a Finnish tinge in the Norway pavilion. That is to say – Karl Fazer's traditional milk chocolate! What you may find interesting, this was the first commodity I have seen in the United States which was more expensive than back in Finland. To wit, this bar of chocolate cost $12.95 whereas Fazer Dumle Toffee Candies cost $14.95.

Disney's Animal Kingdom

Disney's Animal Kingdom was the fourth theme park we visited on Sunday. This park was dedicated and opened to the public on Earth Day, April 22, 1998. Animal Kingdom is the largest Disney theme park in the world covering 200 ha.

The Tree of Life, in the picture, is the icon of Disney's Animal Kingdom. An international team of artisans were brought together to design and implement the carving of nearly 400 animals in its intricate framework.

Disney's Animal Kingdom definitely is a great place to encounter exotic animals and exciting adventures. Unfortunately our group visited this park on the last day of our Disney trip which why we didn't have too much time to spend there. That is one of the reasons why I want to go there again at some point. 

2015 was absolutely the most eventful year of my life. I am happy that I dared to jump into an unknown world without knowing whether I'll survive dead or alive. Due to that I can nothing but recommend going on an exchange and to discover the surrounding, marvelous world. Difference and internationality are enormous richnesses. But when all is said and done, we're all the same created by God. 

I wish everyone a magnificent and blessed new year of 2016! Furthermore I want to thank for all blessing intercessions. 
